by Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. | Jul 19, 2024 | Blogs
Ventilation Design Optimization for the Hospital Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) The postoperative patients in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) of a hospital are the sources of waste anesthetic gases (WAGs). The healthcare workers in the PACU can potentially be...
by Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. | Oct 26, 2023 | Blogs
Ventilation Guidance for Residential Kitchen with Gas Stove Recently the residential gas stoves were in the News due to the generation of pollutants during their operation. Cooking activities as well as the combustion of natural gas through gas stove burners produce...
by Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. | Oct 26, 2023 | Blogs
CFD Analysis of Residential Kitchen Ventilation with Gas Stove Proper ventilation of the kitchen is essential to reduce the occupant exposure to various pollutants generated during the cooking and the combustion of natural gas through the gas stove burners. Several...
by Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. | Jul 29, 2023 | Blogs
CFD Analysis of Demand Control Ventilation for Laboratories What is Demand Control Ventilation (DCV)? Often high air change rates per hour (ACH) are specified for laboratories to meet the goal of ventilation. The ACH numbers specified are mostly consensuses based on...
by Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. | Jan 9, 2023 | Blogs
CFD Analysis Evaluates Efficacy of Reactive Air Cleaning Technology What is reactive air cleaning? Reactive air cleaning involves the release of reactive agents in the room to actively mitigate airborne pathogens and other pollutants. Unlike traditional dilution...
by Kishor Khankari, Ph.D. | Dec 6, 2022 | Blogs
Design Optimization Using CFD Can Yield Significant Savings in the First and Operating Costs of a Pharmaceutical Cleanroom Contaminant Control for Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms Pharmaceutical cleanrooms are employed for the manufacturing of sterile and nonsterile drugs...