Cable Cutouts in Data Centers Can Lead to Loss In Cooling Capacity
NewsLink, The Magazine of 7X24 Exchange International, Fall 2008
Kishor Khankari
Unintended openings, such as cable cutouts in the raised floors of data centers, can cause leakage of the supply air from the pressurized supply plenum. Such bypass of the supply air away from the perforated tiles effectively reduces the amount of supply air and available capacity. It further encourages the undesirable airflow patterns in data center rooms, such as wrap around and recirculation between the hot and cold aisles. This can result in higher inlet air temperatures to servers and reduced energy efficiency of a data center. The situation can be avoided by plugging intended and unintended openings and holes in the data center floors. This article, with the help of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, demonstrates how the size and open area of the cable cutouts affect the cooling performance of data centers.
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